This 'Underworld' Selene Cosplay Took 140 Hours To Construct and It Shows!

Redditor AdaGray put together an unreal Underworld Selene cosplay that took a total of 140 HOURS over the span of four months to complete. The ONLY part of the cosplay that she bought were the boots (and the contacts, obviously), which are undeniably pretty bad-ass. You can actually buy them on Amazon yourself for a reasonable price here.

Check out the detail and precision that went into this cosplay...

She wore the cosplay to Pensacon, and took this photo across the street at a hotel to get this cool picture

Here's a full shot she took at home

She used a matrix coat pattern, and did a lot of alterations to make sure that the coat's final result was accurate

And a view of the back of the coat...

And a close up of the embroidery that can only actually be seen if she flips the collar of the coat


Guns that were originally airsoft, which she added carved wood to for the weights and painted black